AT DEATH’S DOOR: ‘Ghost’ Spooks Medics Walking Into Clinic The Day After She Died There

On November 11, 2022, an invisible person was seen (or NOT seen!) on camera entering a hospital in Argentina. In the video, a security guard got up from his chair and signed in his invisible charge, waving her in to receive medical treatment.

He was seen escorting the ‘patient’ into the lobby and then cordoned off the area off. He also took time to chat with his invisible guest, offering her a wheelchair before the ghost told him she would go to the doctor’s office on foot!

Security camera footage captured the security guard at Finochietto Sanatorium in Buenos Aires greeting a patient that only he can see. He signed her in and then directed her to a doctor’s office. Later, when he checked to see where she had gone, since she never signed out, the guard and medical staff were spooked when it turned out the woman had died in the hospital the day before!

A spokesman for the hospital tried to pass the incident off as a “joke” by the guard, even going so far as to say that he pretended to write down the name of the patient. Yet, the video clearly shows the doors opening on their own. The guard also clearly is writing a name and information on his pad. It seems to be a case of the hospital trying to manipulate events to downplay the incident.

ALL hospitals are haunted. I have captured many EVP phenomena in them and all one has to do is to ask around at a hospital about hauntings and the stories begin the pour forth about the paranormal events that happen in these places!

Watch the video below and decide for yourself! My money is on this being a very real paranormal incident.

Newsflash-GhostPatient-01.mp4 from News X on Vimeo.