GRI investigates all manner of paranormal phenomena. Ranging from good old-fashioned ghost hunts to UFO and Cryptid investigations, we run the gamut of paranormal phenomena in our field investigations in the Western U.S.
Our equipment is state of the art and we are firm believers in investigating sites more than once to get the full sense of what is occurring at a location.
We try to have fun on cases, but we are serious about the work we do. We are NOT a team that tries to clear personal home or business haunts. While we do have experience in these areas, we leave this work to others. Our mission is to experience these phenomena and to try to tie these happenings into a story of what causes these phenomena to occur, who or what is causing the phenomena, where it occurs and why it happens in the first place.
Join us to be part of the investigations as we go out in the field to see these strange things!