Spirit photo from Queen Mary
Earlier this month, I submitted my photograph of spirit faces captured on my Queen Mary expedition to analysts at the Association TransCommunication, a well known group that analyzes EVPs and ITC communications from the spirit world.
The photo was analyzed and enhanced by the moderator of this influential group and he was impressed with the photo. He described the capture as “littered with spirit images” in his post to me.
I do not recall seeing anything there while I took the photo but I do remember that some impulse made me stop and turn to take the photo despite there being no one in the area with me.
I was heartened at having finally captured an image that had definite potential as being that of a paranormal image and thank the ATransCfor taking the time to assist with analysis of the image.

The enlarged image at maximum size – This is the view that ATransC said was “littered with faces”.
The ATransCis a great group and has a huge list of experienced and diverse team members. We are honored to be a part of the association and plan to feature more of their content and materials in our pages.
The face in the window is shown below. It looks like a girl in this view. More faces were seen by the ATransC moderator.

The face in the window at a more medium resolution. You can see the faces better in this view.