Globe Mill Investigation – Private Home Investigation – St Johns Cemetery Folsom

Globe Mill InvestigationGlobe Mill Investigation

Investigation in Sacramento and Folsom with HPI Paranormal before the start of the GRI Paranormal team. P.D. Roberts led the case and a lot of great evidence was collected along with many personal experiences and strange happenings.

Status: Complete – X-File designation.

As of April 2022, this case is now an X-File. We have revisited the case and released new evidence plus updated the case with new source data and images. X-files are cases we revisit at GRI to bring them up to date and to complete the case with evidence and media we may have missed adding to the case in the past.

GRI Note by Jon: This is was before I formally broke with HPI and went my own way. We had worked together and I reached a point where I was ready to split off to lead my own team. I have fond memories of HPI and thank them for their guidance and initial training in 2007. HPI seems to be either inactive as of 2022 or on hiatus.

The Globe Mill investigation (sponsored by HPI – Haunted and Paranormal Investigations) was changed to go to a new set of locations – One near the Sacramento River with an access point that overlooked where a murder took place many years ago. There were definite psychical impressions of the area with my own senses pulling me left from the location where we first walked in to view the river area. Of course, we should begin at the beginning and not get to the interesting stuff first!

The team initially met up at the advertised destination and I immediately bumped into Holly Delaughter who made me feel quite welcome to be there. Shortly thereafter, Paul rounded everyone up and off we went to meet about the impending investigations of the day.

I got a kick out of meeting Paul Dale Roberts for the first time. Had read his articles for quite sometime and found him to be a very intelligent and surprising individual with a deep knowledge of historical and technical aspects of the paranormal. I suspect I will learn quite a bit just by watching this guy in action in the future.

We were treated to two investigations, one being the I-5 killer crime scene not far out of Sacramento and the other being a private residence investigation in Orangevale, California. Upon the caravan arriving at the I-5 killer scene, I was breaking out my gear and spoke with Holly about the scene. She asked me to psychically reach out and check the area with senses and see where the murder scene might have taken place. I was immediately drawn to the left, between two older trees. I did feel that the event occurred between these trees and that the victim (a woman) had her body either thrown or taken down close to the water’s edge or into the river proper by the killer.

There was a sense of choking and a fight for life in this place. I’ve done a lot of psychic work in my younger days, but this was probably the most disturbing and upsetting scene I’ve ever been at to be quite honest. One isn’t ready for such an impression and when you get it, it does make you recoil a bit. I was frankly a bit glad to leave the vicinity, since it was extremely creepy. My own pictures of the area didn’t reveal much. Frankly, I’m of the feeling that the haunt is a residual one for the most part. If there is an intelligent spirit about, then she isn’t around much or prefers other locales.

Holly did ask me just before leaving if I picked up on other locations that this person may have worked out of. I responded with the notion that the murderer had killed others and stored their bodies by the river, but further upstream near docks and that there was a tall grain-silo-like structure nearby, which she confirmed that I had correctly seen

Second Investigation of the night

Upon leaving, we carpooled to Citrus Heights and headed into the second investigation. The property we were checking into was far back in a secluded neighborhood with lots of oak trees and a very natural feel to the place. We were told that there are multiple haunts in the area and that these seemed to involve everything from flying ghost dogs to spectral music playing at odd hours of the night.

The couple who hosted our investigation were most gracious and kind. I was immediately comfortable in the home. Using my EMF meter, I noted that the house was indeed quite free of EMF readings throughout the night and this was true of the entire investigation, despite the events that occurred that night. I did briefly speak with Michelle, as she was doing the same thing I was and she also wasn’t getting much in the way of readings at that point in the evening.

I walked all through the home and found what appeared to be a stuffed dog set (life size) that, upon conversing with the owner, was purchased shortly before the latest disturbances began in the home. The couple was quite surprised when myself and another HPI member posed the theory that perhaps the most recent disturbances and the presence of the larger stuffed dog might have contributed to the haunt.

Earlier, the owner had described how, during renovations, that two men witnessed a ghostly apparition of a dog fly through a window. So there does appear to be some connection with animal spirits throughout this haunt. One of the things I noted was how the owner described feeling a presence pressing on her leg and also recent events occurring in the couple’s bedroom with physical pressings and movement of the bed during the night.

Spirit says “It was me” in response to Janette’s story of the dog and the window

During our investigation, I took quite a range of photographs, using a polarizing filter to reduce possible dust-orb captures. As the evening progressed, I eventually found myself in the bedroom with several other investigators. During a roughly 30 minute period, I sensed what I believed to be a six year old boy who seemed to be playing tricks on the couple, making them think that the entire set of paranormal events was an animal.

We also smelled a sweet odor that was evident throughout the home and that we tried to debunk by closing up the rooms and trying to eliminate possible drafts bringing scent in. It was nice to hear several investigators looking to debunk via looking towards possible root causes. I myself thought I had the smell explained when I discovered a lit 4-wick candle vase in the living room area, but on smelling the scent of this candle closely, it was no match for the scent we were picking up on.

EVP picked up while we conversed about the smell – Class B or C

The strange thing with the smell of this sweet odor is that it came and went as if someone walked by you. It was a bit spooky to be honest. I’ve seen a number of apparitions in my life and had more than my share of paranormal encounters, but that smell bit was a new one for my bag of experiences. One did get the impression that an adult woman was walking around, treating her guests to an experience with the other side.

At one point, back in the couple’s room, I was standing next to the owner and I suddenly was feeling the letter “T” coming to mind. I repeated “T T T” and then “Tyler” popped out of my mouth. The owner was taken aback by the sudden voicing of this name and she exclaimed that Tyler had been a dog of hers, approximately ten years old, who had passed some time back. I was rather surprised myself since it was one of those things that you get as a psychic that you can interpret wrongly… In my mind, I was thinking Tyler was the child we were picking up on and so I was just as surprised as the owner at this unexpected confirmation and yet total twist to the investigation. I will state that I was having a really good time and I notice that my best psychic hits happen when I’m either really happy or if I sense unease and danger about.

I did witness a black shape move from left to right from my vantage point on the left side of the room facing the bed and moving up near the lamp in the center of the room. The entire sighting took about one – two seconds. One other investigator, whose name I do not know, but is the blond woman who seemed to draw a number of events her way, was the closest to this and I believe she also saw what I saw (She is a very good observer and investigator by the way – I was impressed with her steady candor and demeanor).

EVP during owner describing bed-shaking experiences

Later on, I was back in the back yard, sitting with Donna after being asked by two other investigators to look over the gazebo. I felt drawn to the left side of the back yard and was standing about 30 feet away while Donna and the other ladies were immediately opposite me (across the pool) and we were talking when one of the women exclaimed that one of the chairs we had not been sitting in was rocking by itself. I immediately came over along with everyone else and noted that the chair was indeed vibrating.

The amplitude of the vibration was roughly 3/4 inch in either direction and this began to damp down slowly over a course of several minutes observation. The chairs were made of steel, with a tendency to vibrate on being touched (which I tested on scene). So, I was quite certain that one of us accidentally hit the chair on arising from it, but all involved swore to God that they hadn’t hit the chair, so this case remains open. I had sensed something in that area and was tracking it when all this occurred, so this is a personal experience that left all rather shaken. Paul had come over during the height of the commotion and he was equally blown away by what he saw.

Orb Capture by the gazebo

I later had my own photograph of an orb (see image of gazebo above), over the exact spot where this shaking chair occurred and thus was left with something of a mystery, since the scientist in me wanted to explain this away and yet personal feelings and now photographic evidence, at a minimum, kept the door open to paranormal influences at work. So I leave this one for the mystery it is and hope that future investigations at the house do some good science and potentially a long-term recording video to see if this happens on it’s own without anyone about.

Case report by Paul Dale Roberts

This case report was recently discovered and it supports a great deal of what I had posted in the report above.

Bonus investigation at Folsom St. John’s Cemetery

About seven of us left the residence and went out to the Folsom area to check out some graveyards. We ended up at St. John’s Cemetery. I will state that this is one of the most peaceful and, paradoxically, happy graveyards I’ve ever been to. The feeling was so good that one felt like they were with family. We walked about taking pictures and also listening as Cherie Vincent told us about her past experiences there. She did show us a technique I had never heard of… Placing an audio recorder directly on the gravestone to get better recordings. I took a wide range of photos while at this graveyard and, upon analyzing my photos, discovered that the very first one held a pretty nice image of an orb.

Orb at St. John’s Cemetery in Folsom

We left that cemetery after about thirty minutes and walked over to Lakeside Memorial Lawn about 1/4 mile away. The feeling in this place was much more ominous and one got the sense of sheer spookiness about. My own psychic senses were really kicking up here and when we got further in, I was recording video with my Sony night-cam. At one point, while the ladies were checking out one particular grave, I was touched on the right side of my face and I immediately stopped and exclaimed this to everyone. Within seconds, I was touched again twice more. I did sweep the immediate vicinity with my right hand to see if I was being hit by bugs or perhaps a spider web, but there was nothing there!

We wound up back at our cars about twenty minutes later and I went home quite satisfied with a good night’s work. I really enjoyed meeting everyone and look forward to future investigations to come! I also will be visiting the cemetery in the day and nighttime that Cherie pointed out to us!

EVPs picked up on the investigation at the private residence

Note: This investigation picked up a LOT of EVPs. I am only sharing the best captures here – Jon.

Talking about the dog, spirit says “It was me!”

Heavy, we’re going to do

I got one – Class A – NOT any of our investigators

Step Aside


Get Out  (thought it said hello at first!)

Help Jean

Help Karen


Eat Root Fell (or Smell) – Class-A

You I come for (Reverse speech)

Boy we wonder